Forests can be ranked in the foremost frontier in mankind. This natural resource, which isone of the most important resource has fostered the mankind from its beginning to sustainits life and continue to do so even though man does not realize and respect for it.
Currently, the worldwide anthropogenic deforestation is ever increasing and the man hasengaged in this destructive process due to the shortsighted greediness and negligence. Theservices obtained from forests is no second to any other services enjoyed by man.
In addition to encroachments of forests, high rate of timber and fuel wood extraction led tothe diminishing of forest cover today.
A tree planting programme followed by a careful management system in suitable locationscan reduce the pressure on natural forests for timber. The most feasible way of achievingthis is by organizing programmes with the participation of school children. Policies alsoshould be formulated to utilize the school promises to grow valuable and suitable timberspecies. This task should be delegated to the school children where by they will raise fundsfor the development of the school while fulfilling a national responsibility. Such aprowamme drawn for 1000 schools may contribute Rs. 2000 million in every 10 years.
Similarly, a sustainable fuel wood planting campaign can also be launched in the identifiedscrublands of Sri Lanka. This would greatly reduce the energy crisis in the country whileproviding a large number of employment opportunities and protecting the naturalenvironment.