A study on the impact of workplace environment on employee’s performance: with reference to the Brandix Intimate Apparel - Awissawella
In the current era of highly volatile business environment, organizations are facing emerging achieving operational excellence with the intention to offer a competitive advantage and secure lasting results for their customers. The most crucial factor that affects the organization performance is its employee
since human resources are considered as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. The workplace environment gives an immense impact to the employees either towards the negative outcomes or positive outcomes. The objective of this study was to identify the impact of workplace environment on the employee’s performance. The study has utilized primary data and a sample of size 85 has chosen in accordance the Morgan approach of sample selection including both managerial and non managerial employees from
Brandix Intimate Apparel- Awissawella through the proportionate sampling technique, using already developed questionnaire. Multiple Regression Model has been utilized as the main data analyzing technique. The survey results revealed that the job aids, supervisory support and physical work environment as positively influential for the employee’s performance and job aid as the most critical predictor. Implications of the findings and recommendations are offered.
KEYWORDS: Employee’s Performance, Job Aids, Supervisor Support, Physical Work Environment