Impact of individual and organizational antecedents on generation Z employees' engagement in selected Sri Lankan large apparel industry




Employee Engagement, Individual Antecedents, Organizational Antecedents, Z Generation


Employee Engagement can be considered one of the fleeting sentiments for the development of an organization. The large apparel industry is one of the important sectors in Sri Lanka as it significantly contributes to the economy. However, their Z-generation employees' lower level of engagement is the biggest problem facing the industry. Hence, the primary purpose of this study is to identify the impact of individual and organizational antecedents on Generation Z employees' engagement in selected large Sri Lankan apparel industry. Accordingly, this study has used random sampling and self-structured questionnaires distributed among 364 Z-generation employees in the selected large apparel industry. To analyze the gathered data, SPSS version 25 was used by the researcher. Multiple Regression Analysis was conducted to test the developed hypotheses. It revealed that both individual and organizational antecedents significantly positively impact employee engagement. The study results will guide the corporate management to develop the relevant policies and procedures to properly focus on the most influencing antecedents to employee engagement of Z-generation employees in the large apparel industry.


