Current Issue

Vol. 28 (2024): Proceedings of the 28th Forestry and Environment Symposium
					View Vol. 28 (2024): Proceedings of the 28th Forestry and Environment Symposium
Published: 2024-02-16

Forestry and Natural Resource Management

Waste Management and Pollution Control

Biodiversity Conservation and Management

Geology, Soil and Water Resource Management

Environmental Engineering and Green Technology

Poster Session

Geology, Soil and Disaster Management

Climate Change and Water Resource Management

Climate Change and Disaster Management

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The Forestry and Environment Symposium is an annual event organized by the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura since 1995. Since 2005 it is conducted as an international conference drawing research scientists, experts and academics from all over the world providing a forum for national and international scientists and professionals in the field of Environment and Natural Resource sectors to present their research findings, and network with policy makers and industry.