Although most of mangroves of the western and southwestern coast of Sri Lanka havebeen destroyed or degraded, those in Panama have not been noticeably affected by humanactivities Mangroves of Panama occur in scattered patches in estuaries and lagoonsbetween Wila Oya estuary and Okanda.
However, those in the Panama Lagoon of Wila Oya estuary are more prominent. Thepresent study was carried out to exarmne the distribution and composition of theMangroves in the Wila Oya estuary. .It was based on a random rapid field survey. Thisshallow lagoon is characterized with two islets (areas: 10 and 1 ha. approx.) and themargins of the lagoon as well as the-islets have fringing mangroves that extend into theestuary.
There are six dominant woody obligate mangrove species in the area; Aegicerascorniculatum, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Excoecaria agallocha, Lumnitzeraracemosa and Rhizophora mucronata along with three mangrove associates; Calophylluminophyllum, Garcinia spicata and Thespesia populnea. Absence of the mangrove fernAcrostichum aureum and the palm Nipa fruticans is a striking feature.
Human activities in the Panama Lagoon and Wila Oya estuary are confined to fishingAlso occasional anchoring of small sea-going vessels is seen. At present the mangroves ofPanama are unique as an undisturbed coastal wetland system near a populated area.Nevertheless, a recent proposal to exploit these fragile mangroves for 'prawn culture'indicate the possibility of their future disruption
Therefore, development of non-extractive ways such as water-based Eco-tourism inPanama Lagoon can be a better alternative. Location of Panama relative to Arugam Bay,Kumana, Lahugala and Ruhuna national parks and Okanda gives this potential to thisarea.