
  • K. N. J. Katupotha Department of Geography, University of Sri Jayewardenepura



Surface and subsurface charnockitic gneissic boulders of the Kolonna DivisionalSecretariat area have been separated-and detached using bores and compressor machines toproduce "blocks" for export. Four granite-quarrying projects were in operation at theLanka-Beriya Estate, Bulutota Kadamuduna, near the Circuit Bungalow at BulutotaKadamuduna and at Udahakanda village (Pitakanda). However quarrying in the above foursites has been abondoned stopped consequent to pressure brought by the public. Only oneproject is active at the Aigburth Estate in Suriyakanda to date.

This study aims at identifying the existing problems of the quarrying projects, examineshow these quarrying projects can contribute to slope failure in the future; and makesrecommendations as mitigatory measures for better understanding of uses and themanagement of resources. Accordingly, following conclusions can be made regarding theexploitation activities in the sites:

(a) local relief and other geographical parameters (physical and social) have not beengiven and concern prior to exploitation of the resources

(b) damaged and destroyed boulders and fragments have been dispersed and havedumped in the sites

(c) reservations made by Ordinances and Laws for natural streams (Poddana,Bulutota and Ittakanda GNDs), electrical transmission lines and cemeteries(Ittakanda GND) have been ignored during these exploration

(d) after removal of boulders, pits burrows have not been filled properly withcompacted earth

(e) trees and vegetative species have been destroyed and growth retarded due tooperations carried out (Bulutota Kadamuduna, Aigbirth Estate and Udahakandavillage

(f) vibration during drilling and dynamiting (dynamiting is not presently used) havecreated surface cracks in the area immediately behind the boulders

(g) dust from drilling operations ace removed by wind and create environmental andhealth hazards

(h) development of gullies and surface erosion is caused by heavy rains after blocksare removed; and

(i) closed pits as well as the open pits of the area are able to create gullies by surfaceerosion and can store an extensive volume of water increasing sub-surface erosionIt is evident from detailed field inspections and slope analysis around the sites that illegaland unmethodical quarrying of these boulders in whatever form contributes to slope failureand exerts a negative impact on the environment. The threats to human life and property aswell as the degradation of the environment has contributed to a strong opposition by thepublic to the operation of quarries.

Author Biography

K. N. J. Katupotha, Department of Geography, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Department of Geography, University of Sri Jayewardenepura






Forest and Natural Resource Management