
  • S.P.P. WEERASEKARA Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Aqriculture, University of Ruhena
  • Y.M.H.B. YAPABANDARA Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Aqriculture, University of Ruhena



Callus induction and shoot regeneration were studied using leaf and petiol cxplants of invitro cultures of white Anthuriurn and leaf ex plants of green house grown nine Anthuriumcultivars (Cassino, Tropical, SHP, Samangi, Maringue Lady Jane, White, Magic Red andPierot).

Leaves from in vitro cultures of Anthuriurn were cultured in MS medium supplementedwith 1.0mgIL BA 0,0.2 & 0.5 mg/L IAA and incubated in dark at 25° C temperature. Theeffect of IAA was significant for callus induction and shoot regeneration. The highestcallus quantity (6.75) showed in 0.2mgIL IAA while only 2 shoots regenerated from Omg/lIAA. PeLioles from in vitro cultures of Anthurium were also cultured MS mediumsupplemented with combination of 2 levels of BA (lor 2mgIL) and 3 IAA levels (0,0.2 &0.5mglL).Cultures were incubated in dark at 25° C temperature. Significant differenceswere found between the two BA levels and 3 IAA levels for callus production and shootregeneration. The highest callus quantity (5.6) was given in ImgIL BA with 0.2mgIL IAAthan other combinations. Higher shoot regeneration was achieved in 0.2 and 0.5 mglL IAAwith I or 2 mgIL BA (2.7-2.9 shoots per explant).

Leaf pieces (1cm* ICIII) from green house grown 9 cultivars were sterilized and cultured inMS medium supplemented with ImgIL BA and 0,0.2 or 0.5 mg/L IAA and incubated darkat 25° C temperature. Significantly higher callus quantity was observed in 0.2 mgfL IAAwhile the lowest callus quantity was from OmgIL IAA level. A significant difference wasobserved among 9 cultivars from callus production. The highest callus quantity (4.74) wasobserved from the cultivars "Lady Jane" while the lowest callus quantity (1 from cultivar)"Pierot". Shoot regeneration was observed in some cuItivars after 4-5 months. For example,cultivar "Meringue" produced 3 shoots per explant in O.5mg/L IAA level and cultivar"Cassino" produced I shoot per explant in 0.2mglL IAA level. Shoot regeneration was notachieved in other cultivars.


Author Biographies

S.P.P. WEERASEKARA, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Aqriculture, University of Ruhena

Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Aqriculture, University of Ruhena

Y.M.H.B. YAPABANDARA, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Aqriculture, University of Ruhena

Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Aqriculture, University of Ruhena






Forest and Natural Resource Management