Mangrove ecosystem is one of the most threatened natural systems in Sri Lanka and totalextent of mangrove in Ihis country is about 12.500 ha according to recent studies. Thebiodiversity assessments of mangrove habitat» in Sri Lanka have proved that though theextent of mangrove is small. il has greater diversity compared to Asin-pacific region.However. lack or awareness and management as well as poor protection status have ravedthe way for destruction of this valuable natural system.
The studies shows that there arc about 10 mangrove species in Sri Lanka and these speciesare distributed in many isolated habitats along the inter-tidal regions or coastal zone. Adetail study was carried out to assess the mangrove biodiversity of Sri Lanka and the studyarea was confined to north western. western and southern coastal helt. The results showthat the distribution pattern and range and the population size of the each species varyfrom one 10 another making conservation of total mangrove biodiversity of Sri Lanka adifficult task. Based on the population size and the distribution range. species could hedivided to groups that give a better criterion in selection of mangrove habitats forconservation. Based on distribution range. species could be divided as widely distributed.restricted to ecological regions and restricted to few habitats and based on population sizeas common, less com IIIon and rare.
The analysis of data shows that more than X habitats arc necessary to conserve totalmangrove diversity. However. few species are limited to less than ten individuals evenwithin their habitats making in situ conservation not fully guaranteeing the totalconservation of total diversity. In view of this. it is necessary to take immediate actions toconserve mangrove biodiversity of the country in a more scientific and systematic way toensure the survival of these species.