The Ambuluwawa Biodiversity Complex (ABC) was created recently on theAmbuluwawa Hill (elevation: 1071 meters) situated close to the Gampola Town, KandyDistrict. Its habitats include: lowland rainforest patches, grasslands with exposed rocks,a Pinus plantation, newly designed gardens, and several artificial ponds
The present study was carried out in this forest from 23rd January to 20th February of2003, with the objective of surveying the area's faunal diversity. The 'long transectmethod' was applied for faunal observations (both direct and indirect) along nature trailsin the forest patches and the planted forest, whereas random traversing was done in thegrassland. The observations were made once a week both in day and night times duringthe study period. The breadth of the long transect was restricted by the visibilitydetermined by the daylight and night lamps. Binoculars were used to observe birds. Inthe study of herpetofauna, hand nets were used and the animals were released afteridentification. No ichthyofauna could be observed other than the introduced fish found inthe artificial ponds.
The results suggest the presence of the following altogether: 11mamalian species,including 01 endemic (within nine families),59 avian species including 07 endemic species (within 31 families),30 reptilian species including 13 endemic species (within eight families),13 amphibian species including 06 endemic species (within three families) and13 butterfly species including 02 endemic ones (within six families).The total number is 126 species
Out of the above, 29 endemic species, 28 are nationally threatened. Moreover, there arealso two nationally threatened no-endemic species.It appears that since, the recent development of the Bio Diversity Complex the faunathere is highly threatened due to the construction activities such as rock blasting,deforestation and road development etc. Furthermore, the presence of visitors also has anegative effect on the fauna