Effect of free range poultry system on land use efficiency and floral diversity in Rubber plantations


  • B. M. D. C. Balasooriya Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka
  • V. H. L. Rodriqo Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka
  • S. M. M. Iqbal Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka
  • D. V. S. de S. Garnaqe Veterinary Research Institute, Sri Lanka




Plantation crops like rubber were traditionally grown in monocultures to avoid any risk on theirproductivity. However, with the smallholder farmers being involved in rubber cultivation, the idea offarming system evolved with the maximizing the overall land productivity and diversifying the incomesources in order to meet the need ofthe resource poor. At present, rubber based intercropping systemswith other economically beneficial crops are recommended and being practised to some extentparticularly in smallholdings. However, no successful attempts were taken on livestock integration tothe rubber system. With the understanding of practical limitations in incorporating ruminants to thesystem, the present study was commenced as a preliminary investigation to assess the effectivenessof free range poultry with respect to productivity and its effects on floral diversity under rubber.Based on the experience in coconut based poultry systems in Sri Lanka, a strain developed as abackcross of the hybrid between CPRS (Central Poultry Research Station) Brown and indigenouswith indigenous, was used in this study expecting desired characteristics of both types. i.e., high levelof egg production and adaptability to the environment. The trial began with 30 birds in a mature rubberclearing of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka. Information on egg production, the effectpoultry on weed growth and its diversity were recorded together with visual observations on birds'behavior.

Average egg production was 8 eggs per bird per month. This value has dropped to 3 when themajority of birds were in moulting, However, in some months, it has gone up to 14. Some birds wereki lied by predators and even unsuccessful attacks affected the egg production. Birds showed poorbrooding characters with that attempts taken to hatch eggs were failed. Poultry feeds had to besupplied (SOg layer ration per bird) to maintain the continuous egg production. Birds always used tofeed on the area close human dwelling. Dominance of the floral species under rubber was changedwith the incorporation of poultry. Although Adiantum latifolium was dominant throughout the study.Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) of Paspalam conjugatum and Syngonium podophyllum declinedwith the poultry integration. Measures to be taken to improve the poultry system were also identified.


Author Biographies

B. M. D. C. Balasooriya, Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

V. H. L. Rodriqo, Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

S. M. M. Iqbal, Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

D. V. S. de S. Garnaqe, Veterinary Research Institute, Sri Lanka

Veterinary Research Institute, Sri Lanka






Forest and Natural Resource Management