Multi-use two wheel tractor operated fertilizer applicator for Coconut cultivation


  • P. L. A. G. Alwis Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.
  • L. W. S. Pemasiri Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.
  • K. P. W. Lakmal Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.



Unfortunately, it is observed that application of comical fertilizers is low in the coconut sector partlydue to high wages and scarcity of labour.

The purpose of mechanization in coconut cultivation is to produce more from existing land. Machineryis a complimentary input required to achieve higher land productivity. Additional benefits to the usermay be associated with a reduction in drudgery of farm work greater leisure, or reduction of risk.

Use of manpower for the application of fertilizer is uneconomical due to high labor cost. Thereforepower tiller operated fertilizer applicator for coconut cultivation was designed and constructed. Thismachine is not only useful to broadcast fertilizer on the soil but also to mix it with the soil close to thepalm on the weeded surface.

The designed machine consists offertilizer distribution unit and rotary unit. The Maximum spreadingwidth in meter, Machine discharge rate in gr/min and Uniformity coefficient of spray distribution,were considered as criteria for comparison of merits and demerits. The results showed that theMaximum spreading width and Machine discharges rate were 0.7m, and 150 - 230 gr/min, respectively.The cost of production of the designed power tiller operated fertilizer applicator was RS.l 0,000.00


Author Biographies

P. L. A. G. Alwis, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.

L. W. S. Pemasiri, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.

K. P. W. Lakmal, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Mapalana, Kaburupitiya, Sri Lanka.






Forest and Natural Resource Management