Role of plants in traditional livestock production


  • A. N. F. Perera Uva Welassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka
  • A. N. K. Perera University of Wayamba, Sri Lanka
  • E. R. K. Perera University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka



Plants have been used from ancient time to sustain local livestock production in various aspects.Historically, traditional veterinary practices were mainly based on the "He/a Vedakama" in whichplants played a vital role. Phyto-based traditional veterinary practices dated back to beyond the periodof King Ravana. This "phyto-based" system sustained the local livestock production over a period ofmany ceturies to date and same remedies are presently used extensively and effectively in ruralIivestock production systems. According to the chronicles and traditional knowledge based information,the cattle can suffer from 16400 and the buffalo from 4448 different ailments. In traditional veterinarypractices the most important group diseases are known as "Veppu" and "Adappan", In this categorythere are more than 4000 different diseases. Majority of these diseases are cured with phyto-basedmedicinal system. When obtaining plant parts for treatment selection criteria for the plant is veryimportant. Usually "panch a pangu" is used in preparations. Collection of plant aprts are done byauspicious time and by specific persons. According to a extensive study conducted during the lastthree years, it was revealed, 74% of the surveyed livestock farmers practice "phyto-based" treatmentsin livestock medicine. Many plant species are used for different cattle ailments. 38 plant species areused to treat wounds, ulcers, cuts and boils. Some of these medicinal recipes are even recommended in local traditional veterinary chronicles which are centuries old. 28 plants species are used to treatailments of the eye including pathogenic infections to physical damages. 22 plant species have beenidentified to which has been used to treat respiratory disorders and 18 plant species for the preparationof recipes to treat bone fractures and breakages in cattle and buffalo. 18 plant species were recognizedthat are used for snake bites and 17 for intestinal worm treatments. In treating throat and mouthdiseases, 27 plant species are used and for sprains and swellings 17 species are used. Foot and hoofdiseases are one of the major ailments in cattle and buffalo and 16 plant species are used in treatingsuch ailments. For the medical preparations for the ear infections, 15 plant species are used and fortreatments for the urinary system, 12 plant species are used. Mastitis is a serious udder problem inlactating cows and 16 plant species are in the medicinal preparations. Reproduction associated problemsincluding dystokia, and abortions. proven treatments are made by using 14 plant species. 15 plantspecies are used to treat external parasitic diseases. This paper will discuss details of the plant species,their parts used, aspects to consider in obtaining of plant parts and preparation of different recipes.

Author Biographies

A. N. F. Perera, Uva Welassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka

Uva Welassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka

A. N. K. Perera, University of Wayamba, Sri Lanka

University of Wayamba, Sri Lanka

E. R. K. Perera, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka






Forest and Natural Resource Management