Energy saving scoop type rotary tiller blade for deep tillage
The energy consumption for the land preparation is excessive during the primary and secondarytillage operations; because of the high draft force required. Many researchers were reported that thereverse rotational rotary ti lIer had an advantage for the deep ti IIing on the power req uirement comparedto the conventional rotary tiller. The reverse rotational rotary tiller can be used for deep tillage withless energy requirement. Three types of scoop type rotary tiller blades were fabricated by changingdesign parameters of the horizontal portion of the scoop surface of the blade for reverse rotational inorder to minimize the re-tillage during deep tillage achieving low power consumption. Blades withcutting angles 25°, 35 and 55° were tested with conventional blade (45° cutting angle) at 15.6% soilmoisture conditions.
When compared the maximum power and the torque at maximum power, blade with angle 35° showedbest performance, while others were in the order of conventional type (45°»55°>25°. In terms of soiltilth, significantly better performances were shown by the blades with angles 35° and 45° with reducingbulk density and cone penetration resistance values. Blade with angle 35° showed highest backwardthrowing distance as 660 mrn. Blade with angle 55° showed lower backward throwing distance.Blade with angle 35° performed best with lowest power consumption, higher pulverization and backwardthrowing ability and can be recommended for reverse rotation in deep tillage.