UtMization of oil palm waste as a low cost feed ingredient for growing pigs to reduce the environmental pollution


  • R. A. U. J. Marapana Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
  • R. T. Seresinghe Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.




Oil palm is the one of the most popular oil crop in many regions of the world and it plays an importantrole as a component of animal feed and as a cooking material in an industrial sector. However, everyton of oil produced generates tons of effluent and this cannot be released to the environment directlyas it causes environmental pollution due to its high biological and chemical oxygen demand. Therefore,an experiment was conducted to investigate the potential use of oil palm decanter cake as an ingredientto prepare a low cost ration for 36 cross bred pigs (Land race* Large white) using complete randomizedstatistical design. Four different ration such as 1: 1 poultry offal and decanter cake (TI), 3: I poultryoffal and decanter cake (T2), commercial ration (T3) and mixed feed (poultry offal, decanter cake,rice bran and beer pulp; T4) were fed to pigs during growing stage. Growth performances; dailyintake (01), daily weight gain CDWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were determined during theexperiment and carcass quality parameters; carcass depth, carcass length, back fat thickness (8FT)and dressing percentage were measured at the end of the experiment.

Results demonstrated that the daily intake was highest (4.2 ±0.15 kg/day) in pigs fed with T4 rationcompared to the other rations due to nutrient imbalance with deficient residue composition. Althoughcommercial ration shown that lowest intake and FCR (l.99 kg/day and 3.57 ± 0.27) together withhighest weight gain (562.5 ± 44 g/day) mainly due to proper nutrient balance. Live weight, carcassweight and carcass depth of the pigs fed with TI, T2, and T3 rations were significantly different (P <0.05) than T4 which have the lowest value (81 ± 5.17 kg, 62.33 ± 4.64 kg and 33.33 ± 0.67 ern).However, carcass length of the animals was not significantly different (P < 0.05) between fourtreatmentbecause the length mainly depends on genetic factors. Pigs fed with commercial rationshown that highest back fat thickness of 4.47 ± 0.39 ern. Since, there is no significant difference (P <0.05) of the 8FT among the treatments.

The results suggest that, in spite of the DWG and high FCR observed with TI and T2, the carcasscharacteristics are not different as compared with pigs fed with commercial ration. Therefore, theresults of this study conformed that decanter cake could be used as a substitute in pig rations toreduce the cost and also to utilize by product of oil palm effluent to minimize environmental pollution.


Author Biographies

R. A. U. J. Marapana, Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

R. T. Seresinghe, Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.






Forest and Natural Resource Management