Development of broiler offal silage with molasses


  • N. S. B. M. Atapattu Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
  • N. D. C. Sirisena Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.



Objective of the present study was to determine the feasibility of ensiling broiler offal (80) withmolasses. Forty two-days old broiler chicks were slaughtered and processed manually. Offal withoutfeathers were cut into small pieces and ensiled in airtight plastic containers for four weeks. Theexperiment followed a completely randomize design in 4*2 factorial arrangement. The treatmentcombinations were four molasses concentrations (5, 15,25 and 35% w/w) and two inoculation levels(0 and 10%). Yoghurt was used as the innoculum. Each treatment combination had five replicates.pH was measured at time 0, 12hrs, 24 hrs, day 3, day 7, day 14, day 21 and day 28 of the ensilingprocess. pH was 4.8 at the beginning of the ensiling process. After 12 hrs, in all treatments pHdropped slightly to around 4.6. The pH at 5% molasses level dropped quickly within a day of ensiling,and was significantly lower than the pH values of other molasses levels. However, pH at 5%molasses rose thereafter, and reached to an undesirable level by day 3. By one week of ensiling, thepH at 15,25 and 35% molasses levels were 4.1,4.2 and 4.2, respectively. Those were the lowest pHvalues observed for the respective molasses concentration. At all of the above three molasses levels,there was a slight pH increase by day 14 of the ensiling. Thereafter pH maintained at a constantlevels of 4.5,4.2 and 4.4 at 15,25 and 35% molasses levels, respectively. Except 5% molasses level,all other three levels of molasses gave typical odour of good silage. Liquefaction of the 80 was poorand thus grinding of the offal before ensiling may be useful. Inoculation had no effect on pH until day3 and, thereafter inoculation increased the pH and thus was detrimental for the ensiling process.. Itwas concluded that 80 could successfully be ensiled with 25% molasses. Inoculation with yoghurtculture had no beneficial effect on ensiling process.


Author Biographies

N. S. B. M. Atapattu, Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

N. D. C. Sirisena, Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

Department of Animal Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.






Forest and Natural Resource Management