Ecotourism for sustainable development A study on Bambarakanda


  • D. J. Punchihewa Department of IT and Decision Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka



The main objective of this study is to explain relationship and consequences between Bambarakandaeco tourist attraction and human activities in the vicinity. It was aimed to explore the main factors forenvironmental degradation in Bambarakanda and its surrounding, environmental issues arise from theunplanned implementation of eco tourism and resource requirements for conservation ofBambarakandaas a focal eco tourism destination.

Fieldwork methodology was adopted for the study. It was hoped to produce descriptions andexplanations appropriate to the people actually behave at the Bambarakanda and its surrounding. Thestructured interviews were conducted as which were based on onsite documentation and guided byobjective of the study. 75 vi lIagers in Weerakoon Gama and 25 visitors to the attraction were interviewed.In addition, direct observations at the site were made to gather data while taking photographs asphysical evidences to prove artifacts in the study. Interviews were interpreted by way of method ofqualitative analysis (sociological paraphrasing) focusing on passages in the interview concerningEnvironmental conservation, Eco tourism and Local capacity development. 80% of the villagersmentioned thatthere were no economic benefits for them with presently existing d isorgan ized natureof eco tourism. 67% of them clearly indicated that present situation would enhance environmentaldegradation at an alarming rate. More than 50% of the visitors to the vicinity ready to obtain serviceof local guides and anci lIary service providers. Based on these results of the study on Barnbarakandain Kalupahana it is suggested that unless active participation oflocal community in ecotourism serviceprovision and planning, with focus on income generation and employment creation for all stakeholdersin the vicinity, environmental condition may be severely damaged. Therefore to implement vibrant andsuccessful ecotourism it must promote sustainable development by enhancing people participationwith improvement in standard of living of local community and eco tourist service providers.


Author Biography

D. J. Punchihewa, Department of IT and Decision Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Department of IT and Decision Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka






Forest and Natural Resource Management