Potential of cultivation of Gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) in coconut triangle for bioenergy generation


  • L. H. P. Gunaratne Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • S. A. Dissanayake Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka




Evaluation ofleast cost and environmentally friendly energy alternatives is essential to overcome theprevailing energy crisis. Dendro thermal energy generation has been identified as one of the bestoptions due to its potential as a low cost and locally available environmentally sound energy source.However. this potential has not been exploited by the people in most of the potential areas whichhinder the further expansion of establishing bio-energy plants. With this background, a study wasundertaken to evaluate the present status and the potential of gl iricidia (Gliricidia sepium) cultivationin coconut triangle for bio-energy generation. Gliricidia sepium is a multipurpose crop used forwood, fuel wood, fodder and nitrogenous organic fertilizer. The wood is presently used for thermalenergy i.e., electricity generation for the national grid (Walapane); electricity generation for off-gridrural electrification (Kakkapalliya, Thanamalwi la);industrial heat application (Madarnpe, Kottawa etc.)and household cooking. The study further attempted to determine the factors associated with thesupply of gliricidia for bio-energy generation and attitudes of the coconut growers towards the gliricidiaintercropping. Finally, it examined the strengths and weaknesses of the supply as well as demand inorder to make sound recommendations to promote gliricidia cultivation in coconut lands for bio-energygeneration.

Two field surveys were simultaneously conducted to gather the necessary data. The first survey dealtwith the existing suppliers in Anarnaduwa area, while the second survey was carried out in Kuliyapitiyaarea with the potential growers. In addition, a case study was conducted with successful growers.Logit modeling was used to analyze the data.

The study found that the opportunity costs ofland and labour of the both sites of study were fairly low.Moreover, the investment on agriculture related activities in marginal coconut lands were extremelylow. Further the study revealed that even though there was a positive attitude and high demand forgl iricid ia cultivation, there is an inadequate supply to the thermal plants for bio-energy generation. Thetechnical information on growing gliricidia for bioenergy generation had not disseminated into thepeople of the area mainly due to lack of awareness programmes. The results of the logit analysisrevealed that income from coconut, total highland availability and willingness to become a contractfanner are significant variables that influence the willingness to cultivate gliricidia. The case studyrevealed that the cultivation of gliricidia appear to be economically profitable and technically feasibleoption given that its low input nature, availability of marginal coconut lands, low opportunity cost oflabour and less income opportunities avai lable in these areas, Government involvement and having areasonable price with stable market for gliricidia will encourage the public to enter into this businesswhereas effective extension service is a must for making people aware.


Author Biographies

L. H. P. Gunaratne, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

S. A. Dissanayake, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka






Forest and Natural Resource Management