Perceptions of buffer zone villagers on conservation of Knuckles forest range


  • M. C. M. Perera Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • G. Hitinayake Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • S. K. Hennayake The World Conservation Union, Sri Lanka Country office, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka



Conservation measures and policies implemented by the state in the Knuckles forest have traditionallyignored the fact that human survival systems offringe communities are largely based on resources ofthe forest. Thus, there is a constant conflict between the interests of the state and those of theperipheral communities. However, there is a growing trend to incorporate communities in forestmanagement through such approaches as JFM and CFM.

The objective of the present study was to determine the perceptions of villagers on the KnucklesConservation Zone (KCZ) declared in 2000 as the declaration had led to significant changes in thelanduse patterns and Iivel ihoods in the buffer zone vi lIages.

The study showed that the villagers have a very low level of awareness about KCZ and the policiesrelating to it. For example, of the 60 activities prohibited in the forest, the villagers could name onlysix. Villagers could not explain the reasons for the establishment of the KCZ or when it was declared.A significant communication gap exists between the communities and the Forest Department, whichin the long run could have detrimental effects on the conservation goals. The usage of most NTFPshas reduced to less than half of what it was before the establishment of KCZ. The community hasalso lost some land, particularly chena lands to KCZ. With this prohibition, a significant share of theirincome was lost but no alternative means of income were provided. People have self-adjusted bygrowing vegetables on paddy lands during Yala. There were mixed responses when people wereasked about the specific aspects of the KCZ policy. The changes suggested by villagers focused onreestablishing forest resource use patterns similar to what they enjoyed before the establishment ofKCZ. However, what is most significant is that they all support the conservation of the forest.

Although, the Forest Department and the peripheral communities agree on conserving the Knucklesforest, there is no effective mechanism yet in place to include the communities in the conservation ofthe KCZ. As forest conservation in the long run depends on the active cooperation of the society ingeneral and peripheral communities in particular as evident from other parts of the world and in SriLanka, a strong case can be made for the initiation of a joint approach to the management of KCZincluding all stakeholders among whom the buffer zone villagers playa significant role.


Author Biographies

M. C. M. Perera, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

G. Hitinayake, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

S. K. Hennayake, The World Conservation Union, Sri Lanka Country office, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka

The World Conservation Union, Sri Lanka Country office, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka






Forest and Natural Resource Management