Present status of mangroves in three different water bodies associated sites in Thirukkovil and Pottuvil, Ampara district


  • P. Manoharan Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • T. Shripathy Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka



Thirukkovil and Pottuvil villages in Ampara district are well known for Ecotourism. Village ecotourismis based on the beauty of the coastal belt and its surrounds which is decorated by flora and faunawithin its geographical sites. A predominant flora of the coastal villages, along the water bodies aremangroves and this was either fully or partially devastated by tsunami tidal waves in 2004. Studing thepresent status of mangroves is important for the ecotourism since it enables the present plant formsand by replanting the appropriate species. The aim of the study was to evaluated the present status ofmangroves, in the three selected water bodies associate sites namely Maranakandy River in Thirukkovil,Kudakali Lagoon & Ohua Lagoon in Pottuvil, Ampara district, which was carried out in July 2006.

An impact of tidal waves on mangroves and its associates was not clearly evident in MaranakandyRiver, where an impact was clearly seen in Kudakali lagoon, but least was noted in Dhua lagoon, atthe time of study. Th is impact d ifference possibly by the distances of sea point's from the sites and thetypes of mangrove vegetation the sites had at that time. Maranakandy River was under continuousexploitation by local communities compared to Kudakali lagoon and Dhua lagoon, which located nextto each other, but at a distance and an undisturbed state. Both true and associated mangroves specieswere naturally segregated in all three sites. Predominant species was Rhizophora sp, except in Ohualagoon. In Ohua lagoon. along the sites, but opposite to the sea, root stumps and prop roots were leftout as evident destructive parts of Rhizophora sp. by tidal waves impact and no species were seenin the premises. Rhizophora sp. was grown adjacent and along the sites in Maranakandy River andKudakali lagoon, where Excoecaria agallocha and Bruguiera gymnorhiza were at its immediateright backyard, respectively. R. mucronata showed a stunted growth in Maranakandy River. whereas R. apiculata recorded in Kudakali lagoon was overgrown to a height of 6 m. As such, amorphological habit of R. apiculata possibly served as a colliding object for the impact of tidal wavesin Kudakali lagoon and thus impact of tidal waves was greater on R. apiculata, mainly at the entrypoint of sea water. Tall grown B. gymnorhizawes only recorded in Kudakali lagoon and impact oftidal waves were negligible, since R. apiculatawas in the frontier line and sacrificed first while safeguarded the B. gymnorhiza. Natural regenerations by numerous B. gymnorhiza seedlings wereseen and being occupied in the devastated sites of R. apiculata in Kudakali lagoon. Replantation ofR. 11111cronatu_seedlings were noted in Maranakandy River. except in Ohua lagoon. Thus, on sitebasis. a planned replantation of mangroves is necessary to uplift the socio-economic life of three sitesin the district. perhaps ecotourism.


Author Biographies

P. Manoharan, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka

Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka

T. Shripathy, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka

Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka






Forest and Natural Resource Management