Discovering the Level of Consumer Awareness on Eco-Friendly Household Appliances in Western Province, Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, yearly energy demand has been exponentially increasing with the development. To match this demand, more power plants will be needed in the future. This study was conducted focusing the household appliances since the domestic energy usage (34%) is the highest contributor for the National Energy Demand in the country. Furthermore, as a result of low awareness on eco-friendly appliances, Sri Lanka has become a disposal point of secondhand equipment too. Eco labels are a good method which certify the appliances efficiency. However, in Sri Lankan context there exist very few eco labels. This study is engaged with two of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; namely Sustainable Consumption and Production and the Sustainable Energy. Objective of this study is to find out the level of awareness on Eco-Friendly appliances in the Sri Lankan consumers. This study helps to identify which group should focus more when launching awareness programs. Data was collected from 385 respondents covering Western province using purposive sampling. It was focused on general household appliances considering individual responsibility, awareness on eco-labels, and awareness on product content & impacts. From the consumers, 63.5% of majority had an average level (40%-60%) of awareness on the eco-friendly appliances. From the defined awareness levels, further analysis done on the lowest two levels (below 40%) to identify their characteristics. Majority of them were those who lived in rural, over the age of 56, females, with the education level below O/L and having monthly income less than Rs.25000.00. According to the consumers, the best strategy for promoting eco-friendly appliances was identified as lowering tax and prices of existing eco-friendly appliances. Regulate the efficiency of the appliances by standardizing an eco-label for every appliances was the best method suggested by the industry experts, as it will give a better knowledge for every consumer on how to select a better Eco-friendly appliance regardless of their awareness level.
Keywords: Eco-friendly Appliances, Sustainable Consumption, Eco- label, Awareness Levels