A Book Review: Leadershift; The Eleven Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace by John C. Maxwell


  • John Olushola Magbadelo Lead Director, Centre for African & Asian Studies, Abuja, Nigeria.


This latest publication by a renowned author whose consistent intellectual focus on leadership over the years has earned him recognition in that field as an authority with formidable impact on the consciousness of many leaders and aspiring leaders across the world, is a unique contribution to the body of knowledge on the theoretical and empirical import of leadership in uncertain operational milieu. Drawing from his several years of espousing leadership ideas, John Maxwell, in this new book brings out the winning skill that sustains and enables a leader to forge ahead and to overcome daunting challenges in the environment of his leadership. That skill or attribute of a leader is what he conceptualizes as Leadershift, which he defines as the ability and willingness to make a leadership change that will positively enhance organizational and personal growth


