The Impact of Mobile Phones on Peoples‟ Lives in Sri Lanka


  • H. P. T. N. Silva Department of Social Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura


Mobile phone subscriptions have been increasing more and more in Sri Lanka.The usage of this revolutionary communication device started in major cities and thenthe service has quickly spread to rural areas wherever the network is available. It is truethat gender, age, occupation, level of education do not seem as barriers to access mobileservices. Many people use mobile phones in positive ways to organize and maintaintheir social networks. However, there are many negative impacts on human life.Increasing road accidents is one of the dangerous impacts of using mobile phones whiledriving and walking.

This research leads to find the impact of the usage of mobile phones on persons‟life. It aims to investigate whether people really developed their social networkspositively while managing their valuable time or their life have been confounded byusing mobile phones. Further the study attempted to identify factors which affected themonthly mobile phone bill and also to find out how serious mobile phone dependencyhas become in Sri Lanka. Two hundred individuals in Maharagama area wereinterviewed from January to March 2012 for this study. Odd Ratio and Relative Riskwere used to identify level of risk of lives becoming perplexed with the use of mobilephone. In addition to that ANOVA technique was applied for the factors identification.

In conclusion, most of the people developed their social connectivity throughmobile phone usage. People who used mobile phones for complex tasks rather thansimple communication face a risk of three times more than those who use it only forsimple communication. Further study found that people less than twenty three yearshave four time risk of failing their daily works than others by using mobile phone. Theresearch result indicated that 92% of respondents could not live as normal without theirmobile phones.

Key words: Mobile, Phones, Odd Ratio, Social, ANOVA

Author Biography

H. P. T. N. Silva, Department of Social Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Department of Social Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura


