Right to Education under Srilankan Law in Ensuring Post-Conflict Reconciliation A Comparative Study


  • S. Susarithaa Department of Public and International Law, University of Colombo


Right to education is an indispensable right which has been recognized byseveral international instruments and the national law of Srilanka. Srilanka underchapter IV Article 27 and by Judicial Activism through Doctrine of Equality expresslyand impliedly accepted the right to education. But the main question is whether the rightgranted is helping to achieve sustainable peace in the post conflict era throughreconciliation in Srilanka. This paper focuses this specific issue of Srilanka and tries toproduce a sustainable solution by examining the role of executive, legislature andjudiciary in reconciliation and sustainable development. Further this paper examines therole of education in past and the role in present and how the role of education should bein future to deal with post conflict reconciliation. The relevant constitutional provisionsand the comparative study would be dealt with in this theoretical research exercise.Education shall be understood and approached from a universal and large-scaleperspective. Classic basic education skills, such as reading writ ing, arithmetic andclassic higher educational skills are no longer sufficient to ensure sustainable peace inSrilanka through reconciliation. Right to education should enhance the empowerment,awareness, cultural understanding and respect, social cohesion, morals and values whichcan enhance post conflict reconciliation. Role of the above mentioned legislatureexecutive and judiciary the three organs of government is to enhance the understandingon reconciliation process and sustainable development among students througheducation process, policies, judicial activism and legislations which paves a path forsustainable peace.

Key words: Sustainable development, Education, Social cohesion, Reconciliation,Empowerment

Author Biography

S. Susarithaa, Department of Public and International Law, University of Colombo

Department of Public and International Law, University of Colombo


