Composition of Mix Species Foraging Flocks of Birds in Riverstan of Montane Region, Sri Lanka
Montane zone mixed-species bird flock system is distinct from that of low-land wet zone of SriLanka, although some species are present in both systems. The present study identified the mixed speciesflocks of birds in Riverstan at Knuckles Region, Sri Lanka. Monthly transect counts and opportunisticobservations were made between January and May, 2012. A total of 78 flocks and 27 bird species wereencountered at Riverstan during the study period. The flock size varied between 2 to 13 species and 4 to58 individuals. The mean number of species per flock was 6.03 ± 2.25 and the mean number ofindividuals in a flock was 18.41±9.87. The flock size was positively correlated with the number of speciespresent (r = 0.756, P <0.05). Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher was the most abundant species (mean2.68±1.02 birds per flocks) while Sri Lanka White-eye was the most frequent species (mean 5.69±3.92birds per flocks). Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher and Sri Lanka Scimitar-babbler were the nuclear speciesin Riverstan. The leading species were Sri Lanka white-eye and Sri Lanka Yellow-eared Bulbul. Differentbird species used different heights within flocks.
Keywords: Mixed-species flock, Nuclear species, Abundance, Foraging flocks
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