In a Permanent State of Global Crises Why Do We Need to Elucidate Crises Dynamics?


  • Franck Duquesnois IRGO, Bordeaux University, France



Experts from different domains predict that global crises will occur at shorter intervals. In the domain of public health, Delfraissy and Murgue (2012) named these intervals intercrisis. In my research, I posit that forthcoming decades may face an unprecedented situation of a permanent state of global crises of different natures (financial, health, environmental, geopolitical, still unknown crises). According to Delfraissy and Murgue (2012) the response to a global crisis is mainly the responsibility of national and international public authorities. The preparation of this response with the help of academic researchers during intercrisis period is a key element in the decision-making process of these authorities. This preparation requires a high degree of organisation and coordination of the scientific community, in addition to funding. Following Delfraissy (2017), I posit that international researchers from different disciplines need to be prepared to be “activated” and “projected” within a short time to work together on the next emerging global crises. Very little research work tends toward transdisciplinary research focusing on common dynamics linked to different natures and contexts of crises. Paradoxically, despite abundant use of the word ‘crisis’ and descriptions of numerous particular crises, there is little known about common dynamics inherent in crises whatever their natures and contexts might be. Focusing on the description of crises and emotions surrounding these, people may not have much understanding while facing a unique critical situation. Therefore, the word “crisis” itself is said to be overused, debased, and emptied of its meaning. On the contrary, I do consider that the use of the word “crisis” often expresses predictable dynamics (including different forms of violence) and that the crisis itself needs to be deeply and factually analysed by researchers from different domains. Therefore, the complexity of global crises phenomenon calls for more transdisciplinary research to create knowledge and decipher predictable dynamics. Since 2006, I have been using a very intuitive or even obsessional approach to collect all things related with the word ‘crisis’. I take notes and try to decipher data by comparing crises of different natures and contexts. Since I do consider crisis as an anthropocentric phenomenon, I also consider unconscious or involuntary (self)-destructing process as an important element to be analysed around crisis situation. I take also into account counterproductive logics and actions that may worsen the crisis situation. Moreover, analyses of crises as phenomenon reveal common dynamics inherent to crisis itself despite the nature and the context of crises. My research work may provide original contributions to be taught to transdisciplinary researchers working on a new global crisis and feed decision-making process of public authorities.

Keywords: Crisis, Dynamics, Transdisciplinary Research, Decision-Making Process

