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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • On behalf of my co-authors (if any), I submit the following manuscript for consideration for publication in JICH. All the author details including the ORCID ID of the corresponding author have been included in the title page.
  • All the co-authors have been consulted (if any), and consent has been obtained before submitting the manuscript. I understand the submission will be declined if I do not adhere to the author guidelines
  • I affirm that the manuscript has been prepared for and sent only to JICH and has not been submitted to any other journal.
  • The manuscript is in Microsoft Word document file format WITHOUT author details. A separate TITLE page has been provided with all the author details.
  • I have included a general Ethics statement as the corresponding author in the cover letter.
  • I abide by the procedure followed in the review process.
  • The text adheres to the journal format and reference requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, found in “About the Journal”.
  • If the manuscript is accepted for publication after the peer review process, I/We understand JICH is registered under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY), which allows authors to retain copyright ownership. Under the CC-BY license, I/We allow anyone to download, cite, use the data, copy and distribute, provided the authors and source of publication are credited through appropriate citations. I/We understand that users of the data do not require specific permission from the authors or the publisher.

Author Guidelines

JICH Author Guidelines

Please use the following checklist when submitting your manuscript to JICH.

Manuscripts that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be considered for further processing and will be returned to the author.

The corresponding author should submit a Cover letter with the following checklist.

1.      On behalf of my co-authors (if any), I submit the following manuscript for consideration for publication in JICH. All the author details including the ORCID ID of the corresponding author have been included in the title page.              

2.      All the co-authors have been consulted (if any), and consent has been obtained before submitting the manuscript. I understand the submission will be declined if I do not adhere to the author guidelines

3.      I affirm that the manuscript has been prepared for and sent only to JICH and has not been submitted to any other journal.

4.      The manuscript is in Microsoft Word document file format WITHOUT author details.  A separate TITLE page has been provided with all the author details.                   

5.      I have included a general Ethics statement as the corresponding author in the cover letter.

6.      I abide by the procedure followed in the review process.    

7.      The text adheres to the journal format and reference requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, found in “About the Journal”.                    

8.      If the manuscript is accepted for publication after the peer review process, I/We understand JICH is registered under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY), which allows authors to retain copyright ownership. Under the CC-BY license, I/We allow anyone to download, cite, use the data, copy and distribute, provided the authors and source of publication are credited through appropriate citations. I/We understand that users of the data do not require specific permission from the authors or the publisher.                                                                                      



The Journal of Intangible Cultural Heritage (JICH) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, biannual journal which is exclusively devoted to the publication of high-quality research in the domains of Intangible Cultural Heritage.  JICH publishes original research articles, review articles and book reviews selected through a rigorous and comprehensive peer-review process and aims to facilitate local and international dissemination, collaboration and exchange of knowledge.

Types of Articles

JICH publishes original, peer-reviewed research and scholarly articles, review articles and book reviews on all aspects related to ICH. The Editors of JICH will also consider as and when necessary, publishing special issues devoted to particular topics or themes deemed suitable to the journal.

Word Limit

Word limit to research articles should be between 5000 to 6000 words (including tables and references). Review articles should be less than 8000 words (references excluded) and book reviews should be less than 4000 words (references excluded).

Contact Details for Submission

Authors can submit their manuscript via email to the Editor-in-Chief as follows:


Please note that this journal publishes manuscripts in Sinhala, Tamil and English mediums.

The submission should not have been previously published, nor should it be submitted for another journal for consideration.

Please ensure that one author has been designated as the corresponding author with the following contact details:


*Email address


All manuscripts must be “spell checked”.

Before Submission:

Ethics in Publishing

Authors should follow best practices and ethical guidelines in publishing research.

Peer Review

JICH is committed to peer review integrity and upholding the highest standard of review. First, the article will be assessed for the adherence to the journal format, scope and aim by the Chief-Editor, and will be subjected to double-blind peer-review process by independent, anonymous referees who are experts in the relevant discipline.

Use of Inclusive Language

Submissions should be free from bias, acknowledge and respect diversity, be sensitive to differences, and promote equal opportunities. Articles should refrain from making assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader, should refrain from making any negative comments on the grounds of race, sex, religion and culture, and should use inclusive language throughout.

Using Third-Party Material in your Paper

Please ensure that you have obtained the necessary written permission to reuse third-party material in your article from the copyright owner prior to submission if applicable.

Please note that in the case of any violation in publishing ethics, guidelines, duplicate submission, plagiarism, etc., JICH holds the right to reject the manuscript at any stage of the publishing process.


Upon acceptance of an article, the authors will be asked to complete a “Journal Publishing Agreement”.

Role of the Funding Source

Authors are kindly requested to identify and acknowledge financial support in the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and briefly describe the role of the Sponsors in the acknowledgments section.

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

JICH subscribes to the above license which lets others distribute and copy the article, create extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adaptations or derivative works of or from an article (such as a translation), include in a collective work(such as an anthology)text or data mine the article even for commercial purposes on the basis that they credit the author(s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation of the article and do not modify the article in a way that is likely to damage the author’s reputation.

Publication Charges

There are no submission fees or publication fees.

Preparing the Article for Submission

As the journal uses double-blind review, both the reviewer and the author identities are concealed from reviewer and author. As such, manuscripts need to be prepared according to the following guidelines:

The Title page should include the Title, Authors’ name/s and Affiliation/s, and email address of the corresponding author (see “Essential Title Page Information” for more information).

Article Format

The article submission should be compiled in the following order: Title page, Abstract and keywords, Main text including (I) Introduction (including relevant literature and research objectives), (ii) / Methodology/ Materials and Methods (iii) Results iv) Discussion (v) Conclusion and recommendations (acknowledgments) (vi) References.

Essential Title Page Information (if the article is written in Sinhala or Tamil, an English Title and an  Abstract should be provide in English)

The title page should include the following:

Title: The title of the article should be concise and informative and should contain less than twenty (20) words.

Name(s) of the author(s) with initials, preferably first name spelled out.

Affiliation(s) and email/s of author(s)

email address of the corresponding author

Running title, which should be no more than 12 words

Abstract (should be in English if the article main language is Sinhala or Tamil): An abstract will be printed at the head of the article. The abstract should contain a maximum of 250 words.  The abstract should include a brief introduction, objectives, methods, results and discussion and conclusions. It should not be separated into paragraphs. Abbreviations and literature citations should not be included.

Key words

The abstract should be followed by a maximum of five (05) keywords.


Abbreviations must be expanded the first time they appear in the main text. After the first expansion of the abbreviation with the abbreviation in brackets, the abbreviation should always be used in the rest of the article.

The Text

Line spacing should be 1.5; with 12-point font Times New Roman for English, F.M. Abhaya for Sinhalese, and Bamini for Tamil respectively. Should employ italics for scientific names, use SI system/ metric system for units of measurements. All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.


Include the acknowledgments as a separate section after the conclusion and recommendations of the article, before the list of references or the appendices

Style Guidelines


Please use British Spelling style (for English) consistently throughout your manuscript.

If your paper is being submitted in Sinhala or Tamil, please ensure that you provide the title page and abstract in English as well.

Formatting and Templates

The submission file should be in Microsoft Word document file format.


Please use the APA 7th (American Psychological Association) reference style as given in examples below.


By Two or More Authors

DiFonzo, N., & Bordia, P. (2007). Rumor psychology: Social and organizational approaches. American Psychological Association.

By a Corporate (Group) Author

American Sociological Association. (1975). Approaches to the study of social structure. Free Press.

Edited Book

Rhodewalt, F. (Ed.). (2008). Personality and social behavior. Psychology Press.

No Author

The universal declaration of human rights. (1974). U.S. Catholic Conference, Division of Latin America.

Chapters in Books

Levi-Strauss, C. (1971). Totem and caste. In F. E. Katz (Ed.), Contemporary sociological theory (pp. 82- 89). Random House.

Journal Articles

Article without DOI or in print:

Scroggins, W. A., Thomas, S .L., & Morris, J. A. (2008). Psychological testing in personnel selection, Part II: The refinement of methods and standards in employee selection. Public Personnel Management, 37(2), 185-199.

Two or more authors (up to 20 authors)

Klimonske, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. doi:10.1037/1061-4087.45.2.10

Web sites

Organization name as author (Group author):

National Institutes of Mental Health. (2015, May). Anxiety disorders.

No author, no date:

What is psychology? (n.d).

JICH Author Guidelines

Please use the following checklist when submitting your manuscript to JICH.

Manuscripts that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be considered for further processing and will be returned to the author.

The corresponding author should submit a Cover letter with the following checklist.

1.      On behalf of my co-authors (if any), I submit the following manuscript for consideration for publication in JICH. All the author details including the ORCID ID of the corresponding author have been included in the title page.              

2.      All the co-authors have been consulted (if any), and consent has been obtained before submitting the manuscript. I understand the submission will be declined if I do not adhere to the author guidelines

3.      I affirm that the manuscript has been prepared for and sent only to JICH and has not been submitted to any other journal.

4.      The manuscript is in Microsoft Word document file format WITHOUT author details.  A separate TITLE page has been provided with all the author details.                   

5.      I have included a general Ethics statement as the corresponding author in the cover letter.

6.      I abide by the procedure followed in the review process.    

7.      The text adheres to the journal format and reference requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, found in “About the Journal”.                    

8.      If the manuscript is accepted for publication after the peer review process, I/We understand JICH is registered under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY), which allows authors to retain copyright ownership. Under the CC-BY license, I/We allow anyone to download, cite, use the data, copy and distribute, provided the authors and source of publication are credited through appropriate citations. I/We understand that users of the data do not require specific permission from the authors or the publisher.                                                                                      



The Journal of Intangible Cultural Heritage (JICH) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, biannual journal which is exclusively devoted to the publication of high-quality research in the domains of Intangible Cultural Heritage.  JICH publishes original research articles, review articles and book reviews selected through a rigorous and comprehensive peer-review process and aims to facilitate local and international dissemination, collaboration and exchange of knowledge.

Types of Articles

JICH publishes original, peer-reviewed research and scholarly articles, review articles and book reviews on all aspects related to ICH. The Editors of JICH will also consider as and when necessary, publishing special issues devoted to particular topics or themes deemed suitable to the journal.

Word Limit

Word limit to research articles should be between 5000 to 6000 words (including tables and references). Review articles should be less than 8000 words (references excluded) and book reviews should be less than 4000 words (references excluded).

Contact Details for Submission

Authors can submit their manuscript via email to the Editor-in-Chief as follows:


Please note that this journal publishes manuscripts in Sinhala, Tamil and English mediums.

The submission should not have been previously published, nor should it be submitted for another journal for consideration.

Please ensure that one author has been designated as the corresponding author with the following contact details:


*Email address


All manuscripts must be “spell checked”.

Before Submission:

Ethics in Publishing

Authors should follow best practices and ethical guidelines in publishing research.

Peer Review

JICH is committed to peer review integrity and upholding the highest standard of review. First, the article will be assessed for the adherence to the journal format, scope and aim by the Chief-Editor, and will be subjected to double-blind peer-review process by independent, anonymous referees who are experts in the relevant discipline.

Use of Inclusive Language

Submissions should be free from bias, acknowledge and respect diversity, be sensitive to differences, and promote equal opportunities. Articles should refrain from making assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader, should refrain from making any negative comments on the grounds of race, sex, religion and culture, and should use inclusive language throughout.

Using Third-Party Material in your Paper

Please ensure that you have obtained the necessary written permission to reuse third-party material in your article from the copyright owner prior to submission if applicable.

Please note that in the case of any violation in publishing ethics, guidelines, duplicate submission, plagiarism, etc., JICH holds the right to reject the manuscript at any stage of the publishing process.


Upon acceptance of an article, the authors will be asked to complete a “Journal Publishing Agreement”.

Role of the Funding Source

Authors are kindly requested to identify and acknowledge financial support in the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and briefly describe the role of the Sponsors in the acknowledgments section.

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

JICH subscribes to the above license which lets others distribute and copy the article, create extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adaptations or derivative works of or from an article (such as a translation), include in a collective work(such as an anthology)text or data mine the article even for commercial purposes on the basis that they credit the author(s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation of the article and do not modify the article in a way that is likely to damage the author’s reputation.

Publication Charges

There are no submission fees or publication fees.

Preparing the Article for Submission

As the journal uses double-blind review, both the reviewer and the author identities are concealed from reviewer and author. As such, manuscripts need to be prepared according to the following guidelines:

The Title page should include the Title, Authors’ name/s and Affiliation/s, and email address of the corresponding author (see “Essential Title Page Information” for more information).

Article Format

The article submission should be compiled in the following order: Title page, Abstract and keywords, Main text including (I) Introduction (including relevant literature and research objectives), (ii) / Methodology/ Materials and Methods (iii) Results iv) Discussion (v) Conclusion and recommendations (acknowledgments) (vi) References.

Essential Title Page Information (if the article is written in Sinhala or Tamil, an English Title and an  Abstract should be provide in English)

The title page should include the following:

Title: The title of the article should be concise and informative and should contain less than twenty (20) words.

Name(s) of the author(s) with initials, preferably first name spelled out.

Affiliation(s) and email/s of author(s)

email address of the corresponding author

Running title, which should be no more than 12 words

Abstract (should be in English if the article main language is Sinhala or Tamil): An abstract will be printed at the head of the article. The abstract should contain a maximum of 250 words.  The abstract should include a brief introduction, objectives, methods, results and discussion and conclusions. It should not be separated into paragraphs. Abbreviations and literature citations should not be included.

Key words

The abstract should be followed by a maximum of five (05) keywords.


Abbreviations must be expanded the first time they appear in the main text. After the first expansion of the abbreviation with the abbreviation in brackets, the abbreviation should always be used in the rest of the article.

The Text

Line spacing should be 1.5; with 12-point font Times New Roman for English, F.M. Abhaya for Sinhalese, and Bamini for Tamil respectively. Should employ italics for scientific names, use SI system/ metric system for units of measurements. All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.


Include the acknowledgments as a separate section after the conclusion and recommendations of the article, before the list of references or the appendices

Style Guidelines


Please use British Spelling style (for English) consistently throughout your manuscript.

If your paper is being submitted in Sinhala or Tamil, please ensure that you provide the title page and abstract in English as well.

Formatting and Templates

The submission file should be in Microsoft Word document file format.


Please use the APA 7th (American Psychological Association) reference style as given in examples below.


By Two or More Authors

DiFonzo, N., & Bordia, P. (2007). Rumor psychology: Social and organizational approaches. American Psychological Association.

By a Corporate (Group) Author

American Sociological Association. (1975). Approaches to the study of social structure. Free Press.

Edited Book

Rhodewalt, F. (Ed.). (2008). Personality and social behavior. Psychology Press.

No Author

The universal declaration of human rights. (1974). U.S. Catholic Conference, Division of Latin America.

Chapters in Books

Levi-Strauss, C. (1971). Totem and caste. In F. E. Katz (Ed.), Contemporary sociological theory (pp. 82- 89). Random House.

Journal Articles

Article without DOI or in print:

Scroggins, W. A., Thomas, S .L., & Morris, J. A. (2008). Psychological testing in personnel selection, Part II: The refinement of methods and standards in employee selection. Public Personnel Management, 37(2), 185-199.

Two or more authors (up to 20 authors)

Klimonske, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. doi:10.1037/1061-4087.45.2.10

Web sites

Organization name as author (Group author):

National Institutes of Mental Health. (2015, May). Anxiety disorders.

No author, no date:

What is psychology? (n.d).


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.