Sustainable Cities through Urban Agriculture Case of Developing Production and Socio-economic Environment within the Kurunegala Municipal Council Limits
Kurunegala Municipal Council, Impact assessment, Need assessment, SWOT, Urban agricultureAbstract
The role of urban agriculture (UA) towards food security and nutrition is probably its mostimportant contribution, followed by its role as a source of income for a substantial number ofurban households leading to development of microenterprises, greening of cities andutilisation of urban wastes. However, in the recent past, these aspects have brought urbanagriculture into focus of players of the policy and development spheres of Sri Lanka. In lightof this, the paper reports the outcome of a research study carried out to develop a productionand socio-economic environment to promote urban agriculture within Kurunegala MunicipalCouncil Limits. With the support of the Provincial Department of Agriculture of the NorthWestern Province of Sri Lanka, 30 urban agricultural producers (UAPs) were selected as thecases for in-depth investigation for this purpose from June 2011. Face-to-face discussionssupported by structured interview schedules and visits to their farming areas as well ascapacity development workshops and provision of microfinance were carried out with theUAPs on regular basis. Primary data were gathered during this period to: (1) assess the needsof UAPs (Need Assessment); (2) recognize their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities andthreats to be in UA (SWOT); (3) explore the good agricultural practices in existence, and (4)evaluate the impact of UA on their livelihood (Impact Assessment), in particular. Theinformation gathered were subjected to various qualitative (e.g. N-Vivo) and quantitative(e.g. ranking, means, percentages) data analysis techniques. The outcome of analysesrevealed the existence of diversified forms, systems and types of urban agricultural practices.The need assessment suggests that the majority of UAPs wish to gain a better knowledge onnew technologies, waste management and animal feed production. The major strengths ofUAPs to engage in urban agricultural activities include the personal health benefits,household food security while their knowledge on marketing and banking were cited as majorweaknesses. Opportunities for value addition and market orientation among many producerswere also observed. Effective means of urban waste management, alternative sources ofenergy and self production of planting materials were highlighted as good practices whilelimitations in land and lower prices for products were cited as key constraints. It found thaturban agricultural activities exposed UAPs into many new areas of agricultural productionand marketing, which have an impact on their lifestyle, health and family environment.Downloads
Forestry and Natural Resource Management