Impact of Work Life Conflict on Job Satisfaction: Special Reference to Ceylon Electricity Board-Sabaragamuwa Provincial Office


  • P. Lankeshwara Department of Management and Finance, Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Sri Lanka
  • NM Wijesekara Department of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka


Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) is a body corporate for electricity undertaking in Sri Lanka. It conducts its massive duties to the Sri Lankan public though generation, transmission, distribution & other services. One of the major problems with the CEB work force is, many non- executive staff in CEB Sabaragamuwa were facing problem of work life conflict situation. At present the conflict between work and family has become a crisis for organizations. With the increase in dual family parents, more job demand and long working hours made it almost impossible to create a balance between work and family. This situation automatically reduces job satisfaction of the employees and then affect to the productivity and profitability of the organization. The overall objective of this research was to analyze the factors related to work life conflict and its impact on job satisfaction at CEB-Sabaragamuwa Provincial Office. The study utilized primary data and a sample of 120 chose in accordance census method including non-executive staff employees in CEB-Sabaragamuwa Provincial Office using already developed self administered questionnaire. Pearson correlation test and Regression analysis was carried out to develop the model. The results revealed that the job satisfaction is inversely affected by the two aspects of work life conflict, work to family conflict and family to work conflict. Further, family to work conflict identified as the most critical predictor. Ultimately work life conflict of non-executive staff employees of CEB negatively impacted on their job satisfaction. The relationship between work life conflict and job satisfaction was contrary to each other. It would be worthwhile for CEB to increase the Job Satisfaction of non-executive staff employees through introducing work life balance policies.

 Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Work Life Conflict, Work to Family Conflict, Family to Work Conflict


