Urban Governance for Risk Reduction and Climate Change Resilience – Considerations with special attention to Southeast Asia and India


  • Christoph Woiwode TU Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning, International Spatial Planning Centre Germany


Urbanisation, climate change and development combine some of the major challenges for the 21st century. One aim of this paper is to identify key intervention areas to address climate change with special reference to Southeast Asia and a focus on India. Another concomitant aim is to point out where the currently prevalent approaches to urban climate change resilience are still blind. Thus in the beginning the nexus of urbanization and climate change is briefly outlined by describing the current state and implications. This is followed by discussing issues of intervention and, deducting from that, key themes for an action-oriented approach to urban climate change resilience. In the conclusion, however, several blind spots of the current approach highlight the needs for further research and rethinking at policy level.


Keywords: Climate Change and Urbanisation, Disaster Response, Urban Governance Frameworks, Urban Planning, South/Southeast Asia



Author Biography

Christoph Woiwode, TU Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning, International Spatial Planning Centre Germany

TU Dortmund,Faculty of Spatial Planning,International Spatial Planning CentreGermany


