About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Computer Organizations and Architectures
Operating Systems, Computer and Network Security, Communication Protocols, Mobile Computing
Digital Devices, Computer Components, and Interconnection Networks
Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Computational Science
Information Systems, Software Engineering, Enterprise Computing
Computer Graphics and Vision, Image Processing
New and Important Applications and Trends
Peer Review Process
The regular issue of the journal accepts full papers that highlight original research, short papers, surveys and review papers that promote insight and understanding of latest trends and research in computer science.
Authors must ensure that the manuscripts promoting original research contain reproducible algorithms and techniques so that the research community could verify the methodologies introduced in the paper.
All articles will be checked for plagiarism. Any article containing plagiarized work will be rejected.
Characteristics of the peer review process are as follows:- Simultaneous submissions of the same manuscript to different journals will not be tolerated.
- Manuscripts with contents outside the scope will not be considered for review.
- Papers will be refereed by at least 2 experts as suggested by the editorial board.
- In addition, Editors will have the option of seeking additional reviews when needed. Authors will be informed when Editors decide further review is required.
- All publication decisions are made by the journal's Editors-in-Chief on the basis of the referees' reports. Authors of papers that are not accepted are notified promptly.
- All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents.
- Our peer review process is also confidential and identities of reviewers cannot be revealed.
Publication Frequency
Two issues per year. Members of the editorial board may organize special issues of the journal on current research topics in computer science.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. It allows readers to 'read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts' of its articles.
Journal of Computer Science is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.