ශ්‍රී ලාංකේය ඡන්දදායකයාගේ දේශපාලන සාක්ෂරතාවය හා දේශපාලන සන්නිවේදනය


  • කේ.බී.සී. මධුෂාන් සහය කථිකාචාර්‍ය දේශපාලන විද්‍යා අධ්‍යයනාංශය ශ්‍රී ජයවර්ධනපුර විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය
  • වී.එස්. සූරියබණ්ඩාර මහාචාර්‍ය දේශපාලන විද්‍යා අධ්‍යයනාංශය ශ්‍රී ජයවර්ධනපුර විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය




Politics, literacy, political communication, voter, Governance


Literacy is the ability to read and write about a certain language. The majority of Sri Lanka does not
have formal political literacy. Accordingly, this study was conducted focusing on the influence of
communication on the political literacy of rural and urban people in the governance of Sri Lanka. The
research problem of this study was how political communication affects the political literacy of voters
in general elections held after 1978. Secondary data was used for the research. Accordingly, the main
objectives of this study were to study the effect of communication on the political literacy of citizens
and voter behavior in the general elections held after 1978 in Sri Lanka, where the election results issued
by the Election Commission were used. Political communication has a direct impact on every election
held in Sri Lanka. On the other hand, it was clear that social media, social media and the internet have
some influence on all the factors affecting the determination of public opinion. Therefore, it can be said
that there is a need for a civilized media system in order to protect the public opinion of the people and
work on a political independence in the democratic governance and for that it is more appropriate to
create moral virtues in the media.


