සැළලිහිණි සංදේශයේ අලංකාර පිළිබඳ විමර්ශනාත්මක අධ්යයනයක්
Salalihini, The message, Embellishment, Concepts, The power of poetryAbstract
The Sinhalese sandesha literary tradition first emergedduring the Gampalola period. In this period, twoSandeshas called Thisara Sandeshaya and Mayura Sandeshaya were created. During the Kotte period,
The development of this new literary tradition. Can be observed the sixth king Parakramabahu, who
ruled the state during this period, provided the ptronage of the state to develop literature and art. As a result, Paravi Sandeshaya, Gira Sandeshaya, Kokila Sandeshaya, Hansa Sandeshaya and Salalihini
Sandeshaya were umposed. This literary tradition has unique characteristics. Such as having a famous man or woman as the leader, having a message bearer, praising the ability and image of the message bearer, praising the path, praising the king, delivering the message, blessing the messenger etc it. The purpose of the research was to study the Embellishments of the Salalihini sandeshaya, which includes these features. The significance of this research is to study the use of embellishments in the literary tradition of the message in the form of four words, and the poetic ability to compose poems using embellishments. The limitation of the research was on the Salalihini Sandeshaya. The author uses thirteen embellishments in Slalalihini Sandesaya. Among them, metaphorical embellishment, natural embellishment, Most prominent. It was possible to discover that ten more Embellishments ones been used literary