Book Review: How Creating Customer Value Makes You a Great Executive by Gautam Mahajan


  • B.S. Galdolage Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka



The history of value perceptions in marketing goes back to the end of the 19th century, to the industrial revolution which gave rise to ‘transaction marketing’. It made a dichotomy between the customer and producer, making value one-way directional from the provider to the customer. In the early 1990s, many ‘industrial nations' which were recognised as ‘production-led economies' started transforming into ‘service led’ seeking to establish long-term relationships with customers focusing on customer retention more than attracting new customers. However, value creation in the third millennium, progressively transformed into a new stage giving priority to the collaborative perspective of value creation which termed as co-creation.

Cite this book review:

B.S. Galdolage. (2021). Book Review: How Creating Customer Value Makes You a Great Executive by Gautam Mahajan, Vidyodaya Journal of Management, 7(1), 163-165.

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