A simplified non radioactive DNA probe technique for the field detection of sibling species A of the Anopheles culicifacies (Diptera: Culicidae) complex
Three cloned highly repetitive DNA sequences Rp36, Rp217 and Rp234 isolated from An.culicifacies Giles, sensu lato were developed as non radioactive DNA probes by using a biotinylatedlabeling and colorimetric detection system. These non radioactive DNA probes distinguish siblingspecies A from species B and C of the An. culicifacies complex in a dot blot hybridization assayusing single mosquito DNA extracts diluted 50 fold. The biotinylated Rp217 probe was furtherassayed in a more simple procedure which involves the hybridization of blots prepared fromsquashed mosquito heads. This technique avoids the separate extraction of mosquito DNA andfacilitates a number of samples to be processed rapidly while also allowing several field analyses tobe carried out on one mosquito specimen.
Key words : Anopheles culicifacies, non radioactive DNA probes