Carbon negative products proposition for a low carbon economy
Increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic green house gases, mainly Carbon Dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.
At the Copenhagen convention held in 1995, to take international measures to minimize global warming, there were debates between countries, some blaming industrialized countries for releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, making it unsuitable for living. Release of CO2 occurs not only during the manufacture of a product; but also during its use and disposal, which is taking place mostly in a different country.
Nippon Nature Foams Company of Sri Lanka introduced certain natural rubber latex based products that has resulted in greater CO2 absorption during latex production while in the field than what was emitted during production and disposal of the product, indicated by a number under the new Carbon Negative products scheme. Hence, the day environment concerned people all over the world go for carbon negative products is not far away. Even the Copenhagen conventions to be held in future may amplify on sustainable consumption and production and not purely on production of an article.
Key words: global warming, climate change, CO2, carbon negative products.