Editorial Note


  • Sandamali Galdolage University of Sri Jayewardenepura
  • Prof. P. G. S. Amila Jayarathne University of Sri Jayewardenepura


Editors’ Note


Editors-in-Chief for Asian Journal of Marketing Management (AJMM), Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, are delighted to issue the Volume 1, Issue 2 of the Journal. This issue of AJMM disseminates new knowledge through selected six scholarly papers that contributes to the knowledge of the discipline both theoretically and empirically by comprehensively investigating the current and critical real world marketing issues which have implications in both local and Asian contexts.

Generation gap, gender and shopping enjoyment of shopping mall visitors in Sri Lanka is the focus of the first paper. Three hundred seventy-nine shopping mall visitors are investigated and discloses that all four generations considered the atmosphere and the environment to be the most important aspects. Generation Z and Y have the highest enjoyment in their shopping journey within malls compared to other generations.


The second paper is focused on attributes of loyalty card programme membership and their influence on customers’ behavioural and attitudinal loyalty in the case of fashion retailing in Sri Lankan context with the light of loyalty difference between male and female customers. A survey is used with the participation of 250 fashion retail customers. It reveals that the loyalty difference exists between the customer being a member of a loyalty card programme and non-member whereas no difference is shown in terms of the number of cards a customer holds and the customers’ gender.

The third paper investigates the determinants of green electronic purchasing decisions of young, educated consumers in Sri Lanka with the use of survey using 200 university students in Sri Lanka and discloses that environmental concern, supporting environmental protection, social influence and environmental friendliness of businesses have significant impact on young educated consumers’ green electronic purchasing decisions. Environmental concern is the most salient determinant. 

Fourthly, impact of offline shopping safety practices on consumer buying behavior during the COVID pandemic situation in Sri Lanka is examined with the use of one hundred and ninety users of offline shopping. The results reveal that offline shopping safety practices have a considerable and beneficial impact on user's purchase intentions while physical distancing being the most important influence. 

The fifth paper is for investigating the impact of Facebook marketing components on customer-based brand equity and purchase intention with the participation of 390 Facebook (FB) fans of four leading fashion-wear retailers in Sri Lanka. It shows that the direct impact of Facebook marketing on purchase intention was not significant and customer-based brand equity fully mediates the relationship between Facebook marketing and purchase intention.

The sixth paper is to perform a comprehensive study to explore the perception of Sri Lankan female consumers towards the objectification of women in advertising. It reveals that Sri Lankan female consumers perceive the objectification of women in advertising as “a practice of portraying women in advertisements in a way that their social and personal value as women is undermined”.


Finally, we extend our sincere gratitude to all the authors for their valuable contribution through research articles and for patience in reviewing process; to reviewers for their constructive comments that bring the papers into a publishable level; and to language editors as well as technical supporting team for their service rendered for the Journal.



Prof.  P. G. S. Amila Jayarathne and Dr. Sandamali Galdolage

Department of Marketing Management

University of Sri Jayewardenepura




